Parish Council

Agenda 03-07-23

Agenda 05-06-23

Agenda 15-05-23

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 27-04-23

Agenda 03-04-23

Agenda 06-03-23

Agenda 06-02-23

Agenda 03-01-23

Agenda 05-12-22

Agenda 07-11-22

Agenda 03-10-22

Agenda 05-09-22

Agenda 01-08-22

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 21-07-22

Agenda 04-07-22

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 27-06-22

Agenda 06-06-22

Agenda 03-05-22

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 25-04-22

Agenda 04-04-22

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 21-03-22

Agenda 07-03-22

Agenda 07-02-22

Extraordinary Meeting Agenda 31-01-22

Agenda 04-01-22

Agenda 06-12-21

Agenda 01-11-21

Agenda 04-10-21

Agenda 06-09-21

1.Agenda 02-08-21

Agenda 28-06-21

Agenda 04-05-21

Agenda 06-04-21

Extraordinary Meeting Agenda 30-03-21

Agenda 01-03-21

Agenda 01-02-21

Agenda 04-01-21

Agenda 07-12-20

Agenda 02-11-20

Extraordinary Meeting Agenda 26-10-20

Agenda 05-10-20

Agenda 07-09-20.doc

Extraordinary Meeting Agenda 20-08-20

Agenda 31-07-20

Agenda 02-03-20

Agenda 03 02-20

Agenda 06-01-20

Agenda 02-12-19

Agenda 04-11-19

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 14-10-19

Agenda 07-10-19

Agenda 05-08-19

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 22-07-19

Agenda 01-07-19

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 24-06-19

Agenda 03-06-19

Annual Parish Meeting – Notice and Agenda 20-05-19 (2)

Agenda -Annual Meeting of The Parish Council – May 2019

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 15-04-19

Agenda 01-04-19

Agenda 04-03-19

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 25-02-19

Agenda 04-02-19

Agenda 07-01-19

Agenda 03-12-18

Agenda 05-11-18

Agenda 01-10 -18

Agenda 03-09-18

Agenda 06-08-18

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 11-07-18

Agenda 02-07-18

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 28-6-18
Agenda 04-06-18

Agenda -Annual Meeting of Parish Council – May 2018

Agenda 08-05-18

Agenda 03-04-18





The Parish Council meets on the first Monday of each month in the committee room in the Village Hall. All of the meetings are open to the public to attend.

In addition to our regular monthly meetings which start at 7.15pm and usually conclude around 9.30pm, we also organise Village Meetings where attendees are encouraged to provide input and feedback.

The Parish Council has 7 members all of whom live in the village, see contact details below. Our Ward Councillor attends all meetings and our local police officer attends when duties permit.

The main points of discussion are covered in articles printed in the Sutton News, our village magazine.

The village set up a charity to pay for a village hall in 1934, and in 2008 it was finally built as a joint project with the School. The Village Hall is run by the Village Hall Charity and provides the community with a great facility that hosts a range of activities such as health and fitness, children’s parties and social events.

the Village Hall, which was finally built as a joint project with the village School in 2008. The villagers who set up a charity to pay for a village hall in 1934 would be justifiably happy with the great facilities the community now has.

The facilities host regular events such as keep fit and sequence dancing and children’s parties and social events.

Parish Councillors

Ronald Gow (Chairman) 01432 880545

Richard Andrews 01432 880224

Ann Burke  01432 880202

Stan Gyford  ( Vice Chairman) 01432 880687

Sharron Haworth

Ian Nicholas  01432 880447


Tony Ford (Parish Clerk) 01432 880673